
class jwst.model_blender.ModelBlender(blend_ignore_attrs=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class to “blend” metadata from several datamodels.

Tht output “blended” model will contain:

  • metadata for a combined model

  • a table with metadata of each datamodel

Input models can be added to the blender using ModelBlender.accumulate and the output/combined model updated using ModelBlender.finalize_model.

All input/accumulated models must be of the same type.

>>> blender = ModelBlender()
>>> blender.accumulate(input_model_a)  
>>> blender.accumulate(input_model_b)  
>>> blender.finalize_model(combined_model)  

Create a new ModelBlender.


blend_ignore_attrs (list or None) – A list of metadata attributes to ignore during blending. These attributes will not be set on the output/combined. These attributes must be strings containing the dotted path of each attribute (for example “meta.filename”). (Note that “meta.wcs” will always be ignored).

Methods Summary


Blend metadata for model.


Update model with the blend results.

Methods Documentation


Blend metadata for model.

Process model adding its metadata to the blended metadata and the metadata table.


model (jwst.datamodels.JwstDataModel) – The datamodel to blend.


Update model with the blend results.

Add blended metadata and the accumulated metadata table to the provided datamodel. The update process involves:

  • setting the model metadata to the blended metadata values

  • adding an “hdrtab” attribute (containing the metadata table)

  • updating the model schema to save “hdrtab”

The provided model will be updated in-place.


model (jwst.datamodels.JwstDataModel) – A datamodel that will have its metadata set to the blended metadata and have the metadata table assigned to the “hdrtab” attribute.