Stable releases of the jwst
package are registered at
PyPI. The development version of jwst
installable from the
Github repository.
is also available as part of
stenv (Space Telescope Environment).
Detailed Installation Instructions
The jwst
package can be installed into a virtualenv or conda environment via
. We recommend that for each installation you start by creating a fresh
environment that only has Python installed and then install the jwst
and its dependencies into that bare environment. If using conda environments,
first make sure you have a recent version of Anaconda or Miniconda
installed. If desired, you
can create multiple environments to allow for switching between different
versions of the jwst
package (e.g. a released version versus the current
development version).
In all cases, the installation is generally a 3-step process
Create a conda environment
Activate that environment
Install the desired version of the
package into that environment
Details are given below on how to do this for different types of installations, including tagged releases, DMS builds used in operations, and development versions. Remember that all conda operations must be done from within a bash/zsh shell.
JWST requires a C compiler for dependencies and is currently limited to Python 3.10, 3.11, or 3.12.
Installation on MacOS Mojave 10.14 will fail due to lack of a stable build for dependency opencv-python
Installing Latest Release
You can install the latest released version via pip
. From a bash/zsh shell:
>> conda create -n <env_name> python=3.11>> conda activate <env_name>>> pip install jwst
Installing Previous Releases
You can also install a specific version (from jwst 0.17.0
>> conda create -n <env_name> python=3.11>> conda activate <env_name>>> pip install jwst==1.12.5
Installing the Development Version from Github
You can install the latest development version (not as well tested) from the Github main branch:
>> conda create -n <env_name> python=3.11>> conda activate <env_name>>> pip install git+
Upgrading Installed Version
Do NOT use pip install jwst --upgrade
to upgrade your
installation. This does not check if dependencies are upgraded and will cause
issues. Instead, use the method detailed below.
If you have previously installed jwst
and you would like to upgrade to keep your
install up-to-date, we recommend that you first uninstall the package in your
environment of choice and then reinstall:
>> pip uninstall jwst>> pip install jwst
This will ensure that all dependency packages are also upgraded. This also applies when using the development version of jwst - to upgrade and grab recent changes, uninstall and re-install the main branch from Github:
>> pip uninstall jwst>> pip install git+
Installing with stenv
is available as part of stenv
, a set of installable Conda
environments that bundle software for astronomical data analysis with JWST, HST,
and other observatories. See the stenv documentation
for more information.
For more install instructions, including how to install jwst for development or how to install a DMS operational build, see the Github README.