AMI unit tests
There are unit tests for AMI Analyze and AMI interface.
Make sure ami_analyze fails if input is an input file of type _calints
Make sure ami_analyze fails if input is CubeModel for _calints
Make sure that ami_analyze fails if no throughput reffile is available
utils module tests:
For the module utils we have several tests that compare the calculated value with a known value. The tests are:
Test of rebin() and krebin()
Test of quadratic
Test of findmax
Test of makeA
Test of fringes2pistons
Test of rcrosscorrelate()
Test of crosscorrelate()
leastsqnrm module tests:
- Test of rotatevectors()
Positive x decreases under slight rotation, and positive y increases under slight rotation.
- Test of flip()
Change sign of 2nd coordinate of holes.
- Test of mas2rad()
Convert angle in milli arc-sec to radians.
- Test of rad2mas()
Convert input angle in radians to milli arc sec.
- Test of sin2deltapistons()
Each baseline has one sine and one cosine fringe with a coefficient that depends on the piston difference between the two holes that make the baseline. For a 7-hole mask there are 21 baselines and therefore there are 42 sine and cosine terms that contribute to the fringe model. This function calculates the sine of this piston difference.
- Test of cos2deltapistons()
Each baseline has one sine and one cosine fringe with a coefficient that depends on the piston difference between the two holes that make the baseline. For a 7-hole mask there are 21 baselines and therefore there are 42 sine and cosine terms that contribute to the fringe model. This function calculate the cosine of this piston difference.
- Test of replacenan()
Replace singularities encountered in the analytical hexagon Fourier transform with the analytically derived limits. (pi/4)
- Test of hexpb()
Calculate the primary beam for hexagonal holes.
- Test of model_array
Create a model using the specified wavelength.
- Test of ffc
Calculate cosine terms of analytic model.
- Test of ffs
Calculate sine terms of analytic model.
- Test of return_CAs
Calculate the closure amplitudes.
- Test of closurephase
Calculate closure phases between each pair of holes.
- Test of redundant_cps
Calculate closure phases for each set of 3 holes.
- Test of populate_symmamparray
Populate the symmetric fringe amplitude array.
- Test of populate_antisymmphasearray
Populate the antisymmetric fringe phase array.
- Test of tan2visibilities
From the solution to the fit, calculate the fringe amplitude and phase.
- Test of multiplyenv
Multiply the envelope by each fringe ‘image’.
hexee module tests:
- Test of g_eeAG()
Calculate the Fourier transform of one half of a hexagon that is bisected from one corner to its diametrically opposite corner.
- Test of glimit()
Calculate the analytic limit of the Fourier transform of one half of the hexagon along eta=0.
analyticnrm2 module tests:
Test of PSF()
Test of ASFhex() in the analyticnrm2 module FOR HEX
Test of interf()
Test of phasor()
webb_psf module test:
- Test of PSF()
Create a Throughput datamodel, having a dummy filter bandpass data that peaks at 1.0 at the center and decreases in the wings.