Reference File
The extract_1d
step uses an EXTRACT1D reference file and an APCORR reference file.
EXTRACT1D Reference File
The EXTRACT1D reference file contains information needed to guide the 1D extraction process. It is a text file, with the information in JSON format for Non-IFU data and in ASDF format for IFU data.
Reference Selection Keywords for EXTRACT1D
CRDS selects appropriate EXTRACT1D references based on the following keywords. EXTRACT1D is not applicable for instruments not in the table. All keywords used for file selection are required.
Instrument |
Keywords |
NIRSpec |
Standard Keywords
The following table lists the keywords that are required to be present in all reference files. The first column gives the FITS keyword names. The second column gives the jwst data model name for each keyword, which is useful when using data models in creating and populating a new reference file. The third column gives the equivalent meta tag in ASDF reference file headers, which is the same as the name within the data model meta tree (second column).
FITS Keyword |
Data Model Name |
ASDF meta tag |
author |
model.meta.model_type |
model_type |
DATE | |
date |
model.meta.description |
description |
model.meta.filename |
N/A |
instrument: {name} |
model.meta.pedigree |
pedigree |
model.meta.reftype |
reftype |
model.meta.telescope |
telescope |
model.meta.useafter |
useafter |
NOTE: More information on standard required keywords can be found here: Standard Required Keywords
Type Specific Keywords for EXTRACT1D
In addition to the standard reference file keywords listed above, the following keywords are required in EXTRACT1D reference files, because they are used as CRDS selectors (see Reference Selection Keywords for EXTRACT1D):
Keyword |
Data Model Name |
model.meta.exposure.type |
Reference File Format for non-IFU data
EXTRACT1D reference files for non-IFU data are text files, with the information stored in
JSON format.
All the information is specified in a list with key apertures
. Each
element of this list is a dictionary, one for each aperture (e.g. a slit)
that is supported by the given reference file. The particular dictionary
used by the step is found by matching the slit name in the science data with the
value of key id
. Key spectral_order
is optional, but if it is
present, it must match the expected spectral order number.
The following keys are supported for non-IFU data (see below for IFU keys).
Key id
is the primary criterion for selecting which element of
the apertures
list to use. The slit name (except for a full-frame
input image) is compared with the values of id
in the apertures
list to select the appropriate aperture.
In order to allow the possibility of multiple
spectral orders for the same slit name, there may be more than one element
of apertures
with the same value for key id
. These should then be
distinguished by using the secondary selection criterion spectral_order
In this case, the various spectral orders would likely have different
extraction locations within the image, so different elements of apertures
are needed in order to specify those locations.
If key dispaxis
is specified, its value will be used to set the
dispersion direction within the image. If dispaxis
not specified, the dispersion direction will be taken to be the axis
along which the wavelengths change more rapidly.
Key region_type
can be omitted, but if it is specified, its value must
be “target”. The remaining keys specify the characteristics of the source
and background extraction regions.
id: the slit name, e.g. “S200A1” (string)
spectral_order: the spectral order number (optional); this can be either positive or negative, but it should not be zero (int)
dispaxis: dispersion direction, 1 for X, 2 for Y (int)
xstart: first pixel in the horizontal direction, X (int) (0-indexed)
xstop: last pixel in the horizontal direction, X (int) (0-indexed)
ystart: first pixel in the vertical direction, Y (int) (0-indexed)
ystop: last pixel in the vertical direction, Y (int) (0-indexed)
src_coeff: this takes priority for specifying the source extraction region (list of lists of float)
bkg_coeff: for specifying background subtraction regions (list of lists of float)
independent_var: “wavelength” or “pixel” (string)
smoothing_length: width of boxcar for smoothing background regions along the dispersion direction (odd int)
bkg_fit: the type of background fit or computation (string)
bkg_order: order of polynomial fit to background regions (int)
extract_width: number of pixels in cross-dispersion direction (int)
use_source_posn: adjust the extraction limits based on source RA/Dec (bool)
All parameter values that represent pixel indexes, such as xstart
, and the src_coeff
and bkg_coeff
coefficients, are always
in the frame of the image being operated on, which could be a small cutout
from a larger original image. They are also ZERO-indexed and the limits are
inclusive (e.g. 11-15 includes 5 pixels).
See Extraction for 2D Slit Data for more details on how these parameters are used in the extraction process.
Editing JSON Reference File Format for non-IFU data
The default EXTRACT1D reference file is found in CRDS. The user can download this file, modify the contents,
and use this modified file in extract_1d
by specifying this modified reference file with the override
(override in python or override in strun). The format for
JSON files has to be exact, for example, the format of a floating-point value with a fractional portion must include
at least one decimal digit, so “1.” is invalid, while “1.0” is valid. The best practice after editing a JSON reference
file is to run a JSON validator off-line, such as
, and correct any format errors before using
the JSON reference file in the pipeline.
Reference File Format IFU data
For IFU data the reference files are stored as ASDF files. The extraction size varies with wavelength. The reference file contains a set of vectors defining the extraction size based on wavelength. These vectors are all the same size and are defined as follows:
wavelength: wavelength in microns.
radius: the radius of the circular extraction aperture (arcseconds, float)
inner_bkg: of the inner edge of the background annulus (arcseconds, float)
outer_bkg: of the outer edge of the background annulus (arcseconds, float)
In addition following general keys are also in the ASDF reference file:
subtract_background: if true, subtract a background determined from an annulus with inner and outer radii given by
(boolean)method: one of “exact”, “subpixel”, or “center”, the method used by photutils for computing the overlap between apertures and pixels (string, default is “exact”)
subpixels: if
is “subpixel”, pixels will be resampled by this factor in each dimension (int, the default is 10)
See Extraction for 3D IFU Data for more details on how these parameters are used in the extraction process.
Example EXTRACT1D Reference File
The following JSON was taken as an example from reference file jwst_niriss_extract1d_0003.json:
"DESCRIP": "NIRISS SOSS extraction params for ground testing",
"AUTHOR": "M.Wolfe, H.Bushouse",
"HISTORY": "Build 7.1 of the JWST Calibration pipeline. The regions are rectangular and do not follow the trace.",
"USEAFTER": "2015-11-01T00:00:00",
"apertures": [
"id": "FULL",
"region_type": "target",
"bkg_coeff": [[2014.5],[2043.5]],
"xstart": 4,
"xstop": 2044,
"ystart": 1792,
"ystop": 1972,
"dispaxis": 1,
"extract_width": 181
"id": "SUBSTRIP256",
"region_type": "target",
"bkg_coeff": [[221.5],[251.5]],
"xstart": 4,
"xstop": 2044,
"ystart": 20,
"ystop": 220,
"dispaxis": 1,
"extract_width": 201
"id": "SUBSTRIP96",
"region_type": "target",
"bkg_coeff": [[1.5],[8.5],[92.5],[94.5]],
"xstart": 4,
"xstop": 2044,
"ystart": 10,
"ystop": 92,
"dispaxis": 1,
"extract_width": 83
APCORR Reference File
The APCORR reference file contains data necessary for correcting extracted imaging and spectroscopic photometry to the equivalent of an infinite aperture. It is used within the source_catalog step for imaging and within the extract_1d step for spectroscopic data.
Reference Selection Keywords for APCORR
CRDS selects appropriate APCORR references based on the following keywords. APCORR is not applicable for instruments not in the table. All keywords used for file selection are required.
Instrument |
Keywords |
NIRCam |
NIRSpec |
Standard Keywords
The following table lists the keywords that are required to be present in all reference files. The first column gives the FITS keyword names. The second column gives the jwst data model name for each keyword, which is useful when using data models in creating and populating a new reference file. The third column gives the equivalent meta tag in ASDF reference file headers, which is the same as the name within the data model meta tree (second column).
FITS Keyword |
Data Model Name |
ASDF meta tag |
author |
model.meta.model_type |
model_type |
DATE | |
date |
model.meta.description |
description |
model.meta.filename |
N/A |
instrument: {name} |
model.meta.pedigree |
pedigree |
model.meta.reftype |
reftype |
model.meta.telescope |
telescope |
model.meta.useafter |
useafter |
NOTE: More information on standard required keywords can be found here: Standard Required Keywords
Type Specific Keywords for APCORR
In addition to the standard reference file keywords listed above, the following keywords are required in APCORR reference files, because they are used as CRDS selectors (see Reference Selection Keywords for APCORR):
Keyword |
Data Model Name |
Instruments |
model.meta.exposure.type |
All |
NON-IFU APCORR Reference File Format
APCORR reference files for non-IFU data are in FITS format. The FITS APCORR reference file contains tabular data in a BINTABLE extension with EXTNAME = ‘APCORR’. The FITS primary HDU does not contain a data array. The contents of the table extension varies for different instrument modes, as shown in the tables below.
- Data model:
Instrument |
Mode |
Column name |
Data type |
Dimensions |
Units |
Image |
eefraction |
float |
scalar |
unitless |
radius |
float |
scalar |
pixels |
apcorr |
float |
scalar |
unitless |
skyin |
float |
scalar |
pixels |
skyout |
float |
scalar |
pixels |
- Data model:
Instrument |
Mode |
Column name |
Data type |
Dimensions |
Units |
Image |
filter |
string |
12 |
N/A |
subarray |
string |
15 |
N/A |
eefraction |
float |
scalar |
unitless |
radius |
float |
scalar |
pixels |
apcorr |
float |
scalar |
unitless |
skyin |
float |
scalar |
pixels |
skyout |
float |
scalar |
pixels |
- Data model:
Instrument |
Mode |
Column name |
Data type |
Dimensions |
Units |
subarray |
string |
15 |
N/A |
wavelength |
float |
1D array |
micron |
nelem_wl |
integer |
scalar |
N/A |
size |
integer |
1D array |
pixels |
nelem_size |
integer |
scalar |
N/A |
apcorr |
float |
2D array |
unitless |
apcorr_err |
float |
2D array |
unitless |
- Data model:
Instrument |
Mode |
Column name |
Data type |
Dimensions |
Units |
NIRCam |
Image |
filter |
string |
12 |
N/A |
pupil |
string |
15 |
N/A |
eefraction |
float |
scalar |
unitless |
radius |
float |
scalar |
pixels |
apcorr |
float |
scalar |
unitless |
skyin |
float |
scalar |
pixels |
skyout |
float |
scalar |
pixels |
- Data model:
Instrument |
Mode |
Column name |
Data type |
Dimensions |
Units |
NIRCam |
filter |
string |
12 |
N/A |
pupil |
string |
15 |
N/A |
wavelength |
float |
1D array |
micron |
nelem_wl |
integer |
scalar |
N/A |
size |
integer |
1D array |
pixels |
nelem_size |
integer |
scalar |
N/A |
apcorr |
float |
2D array |
unitless |
apcorr_err |
float |
2D array |
unitless |
- Data model:
Instrument |
Mode |
Column name |
Data type |
Dimensions |
Units |
Image |
filter |
string |
12 |
N/A |
pupil |
string |
15 |
N/A |
eefraction |
float |
scalar |
unitless |
radius |
float |
scalar |
pixels |
apcorr |
float |
scalar |
unitless |
skyin |
float |
scalar |
pixels |
skyout |
float |
scalar |
pixels |
- Data model:
Instrument |
Mode |
Column name |
Data type |
Dimensions |
Units |
filter |
string |
12 |
N/A |
pupil |
string |
15 |
N/A |
wavelength |
float |
1D array |
micron |
nelem_wl |
integer |
scalar |
N/A |
size |
integer |
1D array |
pixels |
nelem_size |
integer |
scalar |
N/A |
apcorr |
float |
2D array |
unitless |
apcorr_err |
float |
2D array |
unitless |
- Data model:
Instrument |
Mode |
Column name |
Data type |
Dimensions |
Units |
NIRSpec |
FS |
filter |
string |
12 |
N/A |
grating |
string |
15 |
N/A |
slit |
string |
15 |
N/A |
wavelength |
float |
1D array |
micron |
nelem_wl |
integer |
scalar |
N/A |
size |
integer |
2D array |
arcsec |
nelem_size |
integer |
scalar |
N/A |
pixphase |
float |
1D array |
N/A |
apcorr |
float |
3D array |
unitless |
apcorr_err |
float |
3D array |
unitless |
- Data model:
Instrument |
Mode |
Column name |
Data type |
Dimensions |
Units |
NIRSpec |
filter |
string |
12 |
N/A |
grating |
string |
15 |
N/A |
wavelength |
float |
1D array |
micron |
nelem_wl |
integer |
scalar |
N/A |
size |
integer |
2D array |
arcsec |
nelem_size |
integer |
scalar |
N/A |
pixphase |
float |
1D array |
N/A |
apcorr |
float |
3D array |
unitless |
apcorr_err |
float |
3D array |
unitless |
Row Selection
A row of data within the reference table is selected by the pipeline step based on the optical elements in use for the exposure. The selection attributes are always contained in the first few columns of the table. The remaining columns contain the data needed for the aperture correction. The row selection criteria for each instrument+mode are:
- FGS Image:
None (table contains a single row)
Image: Filter and Subarray
LRS: Subarray
- NIRCam:
Image: Filter and Pupil
WFSS: Filter and Pupil
Image: Filter and Pupil
WFSS: Filter and Pupil
- NIRSpec:
MOS: Filter and Grating
Fixed Slits: Filter, Grating, and Slit name
Note: Spectroscopic mode reference files contain the “nelem_wl” and “nelem_size” entries, which indicate to the pipeline step how many valid elements are contained in the “wavelength” and “size” arrays, respectively. Only the first “nelem_wl” and “nelem_size” entries are read from each array.
IFU APCORR Reference File ASDF Format
For IFU data the APCORR reference files are in ASDF format. The aperture correction varies with wavelength and the contents of the files are shown below. The radius, aperture correction and error are all 2D arrays. Currently the 2nd dimension does not add information, but in the future it could be used to provide different aperture corrections for different radii.
- Data model:
Instrument |
Mode |
Column name |
Data type |
Dimensions |
Units |
wavelength |
float |
1D array |
micron |
radius |
float |
2D array |
arcsec |
apcorr |
float |
2D array |
unitless |
apcorr_err |
float |
2D array |
unitless |
- Data model:
Instrument |
Mode |
Column name |
Data type |
Dimensions |
Units |
NIRSpec |
filter |
string |
12 |
N/A |
grating |
string |
15 |
N/A |
wavelength |
float |
1D array |
micron |
radius |
float |
2D array |
arcsec |
apcorr |
float |
2D array |
unitless |
apcorr_err |
float |
2D array |
unitless |