Source code for jwst.extract_1d.extract_1d_step
import crds
from stdatamodels.jwst import datamodels
from jwst.datamodels import ModelContainer, SourceModelContainer
from jwst.stpipe import Step
from jwst.extract_1d import extract
from jwst.extract_1d.soss_extract import soss_extract
from jwst.extract_1d.ifu import ifu_extract1d
__all__ = ["Extract1dStep"]
class Extract1dStep(Step):
"""Extract a 1-d spectrum from 2-d data
subtract_background : bool or None
A flag which indicates whether the background should be subtracted.
If None, the value in the extract_1d reference file will be used.
If not None, this parameter overrides the value in the
extract_1d reference file.
apply_apcorr : bool
Switch to select whether to apply an APERTURE correction during
the Extract1dStep. Default is True.
extraction_type : str or None
If 'box', a standard extraction is performed, summing over an
aperture box. If 'optimal', a PSF-based extraction is performed.
If None, optimal extraction is attempted whenever use_source_posn is
True. Currently, optimal extraction is only available for MIRI LRS
Fixed Slit data.
use_source_posn : bool or None
If True, the source and background extraction regions specified in
the extract1d reference file will be shifted to account for the computed
position of the source in the data. If None (the default), this parameter
is set to True for point sources in NIRSpec and MIRI LRS fixed slit modes.
position_offset : float
Number of pixels to offset the source and background extraction regions
in the cross-dispersion direction. This is intended to allow a manual
tweak to the aperture defined via reference file; the default value is 0.0.
model_nod_pair : bool
If True, and the extraction type is 'optimal', then a negative trace
from nod subtraction is modeled alongside the positive source during
extraction. Even if set to True, this will be attempted only if the
input data has been background subtracted and the dither pattern
indicates that only 2 nods were used.
optimize_psf_location : bool
If True, and the extraction type is 'optimal', then the placement of
the PSF model for the source location (and negative nod, if present)
will be iteratively optimized. This parameter is recommended if
negative nods are modeled.
smoothing_length : int or None
If not None, the background regions (if any) will be smoothed
with a boxcar function of this width along the dispersion
direction. This should be an odd integer.
bkg_fit : str
A string indicating the type of fitting to be applied to
background values in each column (or row, if the dispersion is
vertical). Allowed values are `poly`, `mean`, and `median`.
Default is `None`.
bkg_order : int or None
If not None, a polynomial with order `bkg_order` will be fit to
each column (or row, if the dispersion direction is vertical)
of the background region or regions. For a given column (row),
one polynomial will be fit to all background regions. The
polynomial will be evaluated at each pixel of the source
extraction region(s) along the column (row), and the fitted value
will be subtracted from the data value at that pixel.
If both `smoothing_length` and `bkg_order` are not None, the
boxcar smoothing will be done first.
log_increment : int
if `log_increment` is greater than 0 (the default is 50) and the
input data are multi-integration (which can be CubeModel or
SlitModel), a message will be written to the log with log level
INFO every `log_increment` integrations. This is intended to
provide progress information when invoking the step interactively.
save_profile : bool
If True, the spatial profile containing the extraction aperture
is saved to disk. Ignored for IFU and NIRISS SOSS extractions.
save_scene_model : bool
If True, a model of the 2D flux as defined by the extraction aperture
is saved to disk. Ignored for IFU and NIRISS SOSS extractions.
save_residual_image : bool
If True, the residual image (from the input minus the scene model)
is saved to disk. Ignored for IFU and NIRISS SOSS extractions.
center_xy : int or None
A list of 2 pixel coordinate values at which to place the center
of the IFU extraction aperture, overriding any centering done by the step.
Two values, in x,y order, are used for extraction from IFU cubes.
Default is None.
ifu_autocen : bool
Switch to turn on auto-centering for point source spectral extraction
in IFU mode. Default is False.
bkg_sigma_clip : float
Background sigma clipping value to use on background to remove outliers
and maximize the quality of the 1d spectrum. Used for IFU mode only.
ifu_rfcorr : bool
Switch to select whether or not to apply a 1d residual fringe correction
for MIRI MRS IFU spectra. Default is False.
ifu_set_srctype : str
For MIRI MRS IFU data override srctype and set it to either POINT or EXTENDED.
ifu_rscale : float
For MRS IFU data a value for changing the extraction radius. The value provided is
the number of PSF FWHMs to use for the extraction radius. Values accepted are between
0.5 to 3.0. The default extraction size is set to 2 * FWHM. Values below 2 will result
in a smaller radius, a value of 2 results in no change to the radius and a value above
2 results in a larger extraction radius.
ifu_covar_scale : float
Scaling factor by which to multiply the ERR values in extracted spectra to account
for covariance between adjacent spaxels in the IFU data cube.
soss_atoca : bool, default=False
Switch to toggle extraction of SOSS data with the ATOCA algorithm.
WARNING: ATOCA results not fully validated, and require the photom step
be turned off. Default is False, meaning SOSS data use box extraction.
soss_threshold : float
Threshold value above which a pixel will be included when modeling the SOSS
trace in ATOCA. Default is 0.01.
soss_n_os : int
Oversampling factor of the underlying wavelength grid when modeling the SOSS
trace in ATOCA. Default is 2.
soss_wave_grid_in : str or SossWaveGrid or None
Filename or SossWaveGrid containing the wavelength grid used by ATOCA
to model each pixel valid pixel of the detector. If not given, the grid is determined
based on an estimate of the flux (soss_estimate), the relative tolerance (soss_rtol)
required on each pixel model and the maximum grid size (soss_max_grid_size).
soss_wave_grid_out : str or None
Filename to hold the wavelength grid calculated by ATOCA.
soss_estimate : str or SpecModel or None
Filename or SpecModel of the estimate of the target flux. The estimate must
be a SpecModel with wavelength and flux values.
soss_rtol : float
The relative tolerance needed on a pixel model. It is used to determine the sampling
of the soss_wave_grid when not directly given.
soss_max_grid_size: int
Maximum grid size allowed. It is used when soss_wave_grid is not provided
to make sure the computation time or the memory used stays reasonable.
soss_tikfac : float
The regularization factor used for extraction in ATOCA. If left to default
value of None, ATOCA will find an optimized value.
soss_width : float
Aperture width used to extract the SOSS spectrum from the decontaminated
trace in ATOCA. Default is 40.
soss_bad_pix : str
Method used to handle bad pixels, accepts either "model" or "masking". Default
method is "model".
soss_modelname : str
Filename for optional model output of ATOCA traces and pixel weights.
class_alias = "extract_1d"
spec = """
subtract_background = boolean(default=None) # subtract background?
apply_apcorr = boolean(default=True) # apply aperture corrections?
extraction_type = option("box", "optimal", None, default="box") # Perform box or optimal extraction
use_source_posn = boolean(default=None) # use source coords to center extractions?
position_offset = float(default=0) # number of pixels to shift source trace in the cross-dispersion direction
model_nod_pair = boolean(default=True) # For optimal extraction, model a negative nod if possible
optimize_psf_location = boolean(default=True) # For optimal extraction, optimize source location
smoothing_length = integer(default=None) # background smoothing size
bkg_fit = option("poly", "mean", "median", None, default=None) # background fitting type
bkg_order = integer(default=None, min=0) # order of background polynomial fit
log_increment = integer(default=50) # increment for multi-integration log messages
save_profile = boolean(default=False) # save spatial profile to disk
save_scene_model = boolean(default=False) # save flux model to disk
save_residual_image = boolean(default=False) # save residual image to disk
center_xy = float_list(min=2, max=2, default=None) # IFU extraction x/y center
ifu_autocen = boolean(default=False) # Auto source centering for IFU point source data.
bkg_sigma_clip = float(default=3.0) # background sigma clipping threshold for IFU
ifu_rfcorr = boolean(default=False) # Apply 1d residual fringe correction
ifu_set_srctype = option("POINT", "EXTENDED", None, default=None) # user-supplied source type
ifu_rscale = float(default=None, min=0.5, max=3) # Radius in terms of PSF FWHM to scale extraction radii
ifu_covar_scale = float(default=1.0) # Scaling factor to apply to errors to account for IFU cube covariance
soss_atoca = boolean(default=True) # use ATOCA algorithm
soss_threshold = float(default=1e-2) # TODO: threshold could be removed from inputs. Its use is too specific now.
soss_n_os = integer(default=2) # minimum oversampling factor of the underlying wavelength grid used when modeling trace.
soss_wave_grid_in = input_file(default = None) # Input wavelength grid used to model the detector
soss_wave_grid_out = string(default = None) # Output wavelength grid solution filename
soss_estimate = input_file(default = None) # Estimate used to generate the wavelength grid
soss_rtol = float(default=1.0e-4) # Relative tolerance needed on a pixel model
soss_max_grid_size = integer(default=20000) # Maximum grid size, if wave_grid not specified
soss_tikfac = float(default=None) # regularization factor for NIRISS SOSS extraction
soss_width = float(default=40.) # aperture width used to extract the 1D spectrum from the de-contaminated trace.
soss_bad_pix = option("model", "masking", default="masking") # method used to handle bad pixels
soss_modelname = output_file(default = None) # Filename for optional model output of traces and pixel weights
""" # noqa: E501
reference_file_types = ['extract1d', 'apcorr', 'pastasoss', 'specprofile',
'speckernel', 'psf']
def _get_extract_reference_files_by_mode(self, model, exp_type):
"""Get extraction reference files with special handling by exposure type."""
if isinstance(model, ModelContainer):
model = model[0]
if exp_type not in extract.WFSS_EXPTYPES:
extract_ref = self.get_reference_file(model, 'extract1d')
extract_ref = 'N/A'
if extract_ref != 'N/A':'Using EXTRACT1D reference file {extract_ref}')
if self.apply_apcorr:
apcorr_ref = self.get_reference_file(model, 'apcorr')
apcorr_ref = 'N/A'
if apcorr_ref != 'N/A':'Using APCORR file {apcorr_ref}')
psf_ref = self.get_reference_file(model, 'psf')
except crds.core.exceptions.CrdsLookupError:
psf_ref = 'N/A'
if psf_ref != 'N/A':'Using PSF reference file {psf_ref}')
return extract_ref, apcorr_ref, psf_ref
def _extract_soss(self, model):
"""Extract NIRISS SOSS spectra."""
# Set the filter configuration
if model.meta.instrument.filter == 'CLEAR':'Exposure is through the GR700XD + CLEAR (science).')
soss_filter = 'CLEAR'
self.log.error('The SOSS extraction is implemented for the CLEAR filter only. '
f'Requested filter is {model.meta.instrument.filter}.')
self.log.error('extract_1d will be skipped.')
model.meta.cal_step.extract_1d = 'SKIPPED'
return model
# Set the subarray mode being processed
if == 'SUBSTRIP256':'Exposure is in the SUBSTRIP256 subarray.')'Traces 1 and 2 will be modelled and decontaminated before extraction.')
subarray = 'SUBSTRIP256'
elif == 'SUBSTRIP96':'Exposure is in the SUBSTRIP96 subarray.')'Traces of orders 1 and 2 will be modelled but only order 1 '
'will be decontaminated before extraction.')
subarray = 'SUBSTRIP96'
self.log.error('The SOSS extraction is implemented for the SUBSTRIP256 '
'and SUBSTRIP96 subarrays only. Subarray is currently '
self.log.error('Extract1dStep will be skipped.')
model.meta.cal_step.extract_1d = 'SKIPPED'
return model
# Load reference files.
pastasoss_ref_name = self.get_reference_file(model, 'pastasoss')
specprofile_ref_name = self.get_reference_file(model, 'specprofile')
speckernel_ref_name = self.get_reference_file(model, 'speckernel')
# Build SOSS kwargs dictionary.
soss_kwargs = dict()
soss_kwargs['threshold'] = self.soss_threshold
soss_kwargs['n_os'] = self.soss_n_os
soss_kwargs['tikfac'] = self.soss_tikfac
soss_kwargs['width'] = self.soss_width
soss_kwargs['bad_pix'] = self.soss_bad_pix
soss_kwargs['subtract_background'] = self.subtract_background
soss_kwargs['rtol'] = self.soss_rtol
soss_kwargs['max_grid_size'] = self.soss_max_grid_size
soss_kwargs['wave_grid_in'] = self.soss_wave_grid_in
soss_kwargs['wave_grid_out'] = self.soss_wave_grid_out
soss_kwargs['estimate'] = self.soss_estimate
soss_kwargs['atoca'] = self.soss_atoca
# Set flag to output the model and the tikhonov tests
soss_kwargs['model'] = True if self.soss_modelname else False
# Run the extraction.
result, ref_outputs, atoca_outputs = soss_extract.run_extract1d(
# Set the step flag to complete
if result is None:
return None
result.meta.cal_step.extract_1d = 'COMPLETE' = None
if self.soss_modelname:
soss_modelname = self.make_output_path(
if self.soss_modelname:
soss_modelname = self.make_output_path(
return result
def _extract_ifu(self, model, exp_type, extract_ref, apcorr_ref):
"""Extract IFU spectra from a single datamodel."""
source_type =
if self.ifu_set_srctype is not None and exp_type == 'MIR_MRS':
source_type = self.ifu_set_srctype"Overriding source type and setting it to {self.ifu_set_srctype}")
result = ifu_extract1d(
model, extract_ref, source_type, self.subtract_background,
self.bkg_sigma_clip, apcorr_ref, self.center_xy,
self.ifu_autocen, self.ifu_rfcorr, self.ifu_rscale,
return result
def _save_intermediate(self, intermediate_model, suffix, idx):
"""Save an intermediate output file."""
if isinstance(intermediate_model, ModelContainer):
# Save the profile with the slit name + index + suffix 'profile'
for model in intermediate_model:
slit = str(
if idx is not None:
complete_suffix = f'{slit}_{idx}_{suffix}'
complete_suffix = f'{slit}_{suffix}'
output_path = self.make_output_path(suffix=complete_suffix)"Saving {suffix} {output_path}")
# Only one profile - just use the index and suffix 'profile'
if idx is not None:
complete_suffix = f'{idx}_{suffix}'
complete_suffix = suffix
output_path = self.make_output_path(suffix=complete_suffix)"Saving {suffix} {output_path}")
def process(self, input):
"""Execute the step.
input: JWST data model
JWST data model
This will be `input_model` if the step was skipped; otherwise,
it will be a model containing 1-D extracted spectra.
# Open the input and figure out what type of model it is
if isinstance(input, ModelContainer):
input_model = input
input_model =
if isinstance(input_model, (datamodels.CubeModel, datamodels.ImageModel,
datamodels.SlitModel, datamodels.IFUCubeModel,
ModelContainer, SourceModelContainer)):
# Acceptable input type, just log it
self.log.debug(f'Input is a {str(type(input_model))}.')
elif isinstance(input_model, datamodels.MultiSlitModel):
# If input is multislit, with 3D calints, skip the step
self.log.debug('Input is a MultiSlitModel')
if len((input_model[0]).shape) == 3:
self.log.warning('3D input is unsupported; step will be skipped')
input_model.meta.cal_step.extract_1d = 'SKIPPED'
return input_model
self.log.error(f'Input is a {str(type(input_model))}, ')
self.log.error('which was not expected for extract_1d.')
self.log.error('The extract_1d step will be skipped.')
input_model.meta.cal_step.extract_1d = 'SKIPPED'
return input_model
if not isinstance(input_model, ModelContainer):
exp_type = input_model.meta.exposure.type
# Make the input iterable
input_model = [input_model]
exp_type = input_model[0].meta.exposure.type
self.log.debug(f"Input for EXP_TYPE {exp_type} contains {len(input_model)} items")
if len(input_model) > 1 and exp_type in extract.WFSS_EXPTYPES:
# For WFSS level-3, the input is a single entry of a
# SourceContainer, which contains a list of multiple
# SlitModels for a single source. Send the whole container
# into extract1d and put all results in a single product.
input_model = [input_model]
if exp_type == 'NIS_SOSS':
# Data is NIRISS SOSS observation, use its own extraction routines
'Input is a NIRISS SOSS observation, the specialized SOSS '
'extraction (ATOCA) will be used.')
# There is only one input model for this mode
model = input_model[0]
result = self._extract_soss(model)
result = ModelContainer()
for i, model in enumerate(input_model):
# Get the reference file names
extract_ref, apcorr_ref, psf_ref = \
self._get_extract_reference_files_by_mode(model, exp_type)
profile = None
scene_model = None
residual = None
if isinstance(model, datamodels.IFUCubeModel):
# Call the IFU specific extraction routine
extracted = self._extract_ifu(model, exp_type, extract_ref, apcorr_ref)
# Call the general extraction routine
extracted, profile, scene_model, residual = extract.run_extract1d(
# Set the step flag to complete in each model
extracted.meta.cal_step.extract_1d = 'COMPLETE'
del extracted
# Save profile if needed
if len(input_model) > 1:
idx = i
idx = None
if self.save_profile and profile is not None:
self._save_intermediate(profile, 'profile', idx)
# Save model if needed
if self.save_scene_model and scene_model is not None:
self._save_intermediate(scene_model, 'scene_model', idx)
# Save residual if needed
if self.save_residual_image and residual is not None:
self._save_intermediate(residual, 'residual', idx)
# If only one result, return the model instead of the container
if len(result) == 1:
result = result[0]
return result